Nobody Else But Me
Genghis Khan for Miike Snow. Directed by Ninian Doff
A music promo has to tell a story in just a few minutes - which means setting up a world and narrative that is both engaging, and fulfilling. Promos for electronic acts can't often focus on a recognisable band leader or star to play protagonist (or antagonist), and instead have to work extra hard to introduce and develop characters within that tiny timeframe.
More often than not this is where you'll find a focus on world-building - because a journey through shapes, colours and VFX is a lot easier to construct than a narrative with meaning when you can't rely on dialogue, or even a script. But every now and again you'll find a filmmaker who is so utterly crazy, or naive, or brave, that they'll take the hardest possible road, and deliver a package of pure amazing. This is one such promo; pretty much flawless in it's execution.
So let's set the scene. Deep in this mega-villain's lair we find our martini-sipping hero strapped to a laser. Our hero is saved from certain death by the bell, because henchmen and evil masterminds need their supper, and nobody wants to get into an overtime debate with HR.
From that point on the Bond pastiche evolves into a thing of absolute beauty; a tale of burgeoning romance, dance and nods to the style of the era in every prop.
Every moment builds on the last, and after just four short minutes with these two we're hooked. Super art direction, great talent, stunning shots and the magic of a truly perfect coupling of audio track and artistic execution.
Genghis Khan is an Indie Wire top 25 Best Music Video of the Decade, winner of Best Cinematography at the UKMVA’s 2016 and won a 2016 D&AD Pencil.
Bravo Ninian and Patrick. You're our heroes.
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