Many of our beloved customers have been asking for this for a long time! We do listen to you guys, sorry it took so long, but it is finally here. You can now protect any project with a password of your choosing and can share that with as many people as you choose.
What does this mean for you? Well you can keep pitches and treatments as a Fabrik project knowing they are safe from prying eyes. Updating your site and want to make sure no one can see, well simply set a password. Want to share a gallery of images with a client or family member set a password and send them the link and you are safe in the knowledge only they will see the project.
Im sure there a many more use cases, but I think you get the idea. If you guys find this feature useful and would like to extend the use elsewhere in Fabrik or have anymore ideas, feel free to let us know, we do listen just takes us little while sometimes.
Take a look at our tutorial for an overview on using passwords on your Fabrik site.