The driving force behind the Fabrik platform is our mission to find and support extraordinary creative talent. We are extremely pleased to announce our second Show Week contest in conjunction with See No Evil. To celebrate their 7th Anniversary; our Show Week is a seven-day contest open to all See No Evil followers to create a Fabrik portfolio with the chance of winning one of seven free 5-year Fabrik Personal plans.
Here's how it works:
1. Start a free trial between April 6th and April 13th.
2. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook so we can keep you in the loop.
3. Finish your portfolio before April 17th.
4. Let us know about it! Tweet or Facebook post a link to your new portfolio, adding our #onfabrik hashtag so we can find you. If you don’t want to share it publicly then send us a direct message instead.
On April 17th we'll send over all the completed portfolios to the guys at See No Evil for judging and we'll let you know the results on April 20th.
Now Show us what you're made of!
Our first Show Week contest was held with Motionographer in December 2015. See the winners.