Creativity drips from Genna Carey, Rory McLean, Aurora Fearnley, Prajit Ravindran, Lucy Hagan, Ayumi Ashley, Alice and Emily Stein, Simon Paul and more.
In February we celebrated the 250th weekly Fabrik portfolio we've shared since launching in 2015. It's our great pleasure to review new portfolio websites as they launch and every one we feature reminds us why we build Fabrik in the first place.
Creativity unleashed by Will MacNeil, Nick Gartner, Alan Zuñiga, Rachel Myers, Alex Craig, Fidel, Manoela Chiabai and more
New year, new portfolios with an array of award-winning contributions from three filmmakers and an illustrator. A superb introduction to 2020.
We play out the year with continent-spanning creativity from new creatives from Europe, UK and Canada. Four very different representations on the human condition.
Creativity from across the Fabrik community featuring Pål Ulvik Rokseth, Ash K. Halliburton, Haakon Andersen, Christian Van Duuren, Evaldas Cesnavicius and Karmilla Shelly
Creativity from across the Fabrik community featuring Ann Evelin Lawford, Peter Eszenyi, Glassworks, Malte Rosenfeld, Si Wachsmann, Nathan 'Barley' Phillips, Doug McLean and Jean Batiste Strub
Strong portfolios from contemporary and traditional image makers alike as new talent joins the Fabrik community in November.